Friday 24 June 2011

4 Things Every Man Wants In A Woman

Hi Guys-
Have you ever had a man do a complete "180" and suddenly change how he feels about you and your relationship with absolutely NO warning or good reason, even after several weeks or months of dating?
He used to call just to hear your voice, or tell you he misses you...
He used to be so affectionate and loving...
But out of the blue, he shut down and stopped doing and saying all those things that made you feel like your relationship was GOING SOMEWHERE.
You're probably wondering if it's you or if you are just a magnet for all the WRONG men.
But hang on. Ask yourself - did this happen after:
-- you let down your guard and told him how you really felt about the relationship?
-- he did something to disappoint you and you let him know?
-- you talked to him about where the relationship is going or what you need?
If so, there's something you should know. You're not a "wrong guy" magnet and your love life is not doomed forever.
How do I know? Because I've seen so many women whose luck with men changed once they started doing a few of the right things with men.
They finally "got" how to talk to a man about their feelings and needs. They finally understood what men really need to feel in love and happy inside of a relationship.
The good news for you is that your luck with men can change too, if you discover these facts about men and how they think and feel about relationships.
Okay tell me this.........
Are you having an easy time creating the kind of CONNECTION with a man that turns a few typical "dates" into the beginning of an amazing relationship?
Are you finding it more difficult than you think it should be to find a great man and go from him just feeling "casual" about dating you to WANTING and NEEDING YOU on both a physical and emotional level?
If so, then I'm going to show you 4 things that are "must-have's" to win the right man's heart.
These are also the things that men don't talk about but that DRIVE MEN WILD when they recognize them and experience them in you.
If you learn these and put them to use in your love life, the right man is sure to see you as that unique and special woman he just has to have in his life forever.
Ready to discover these?

Great, Lets get started,here we go


  1. You never cease to amaze me!
    Where do you get such kind of a talk from??
    If i didn't know you, i would think that you are age-mates with Anthony Hopkins but lol!!!...........
    Anyway, am ready to discover......bring them on!
    And please don't keep us waiting for long!

  2. OOhhh! And i love the New Blog's fabulous!
    I love it, its lovely.....true to it's words: Life, Love & Nature!
